Nuclear Is Green

The lowest carbon, the least land, and the most power.

No Carbon Involved.

When we split the atom, a tiny piece is converted into energy. As Einstein’s equation tells us, that gives you a huge amount of heat from a tiny amount of fuel.

Our nuclear reactors harness the heat released to make green electricity, whatever the weather, the time of day, or the time of year.

Unlike fossil fuels, the process creates no CO2.

Nuclear Is


Nuclear, alongside wind, has the lowest lifecycle carbon footprint of any electricity source, and by far the smallest land footprint of any clean energy source.

The entire UK nuclear fleet powers 12 million homes from less than one square mile.

Nuclear Is


Nuclear is our only low-carbon power source that generates electricity whatever the weather, the time of day, or time of year.

Nuclear has saved the UK 2.3 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions, far more than any other energy source.

Nuclear Is


Nuclear reactors can raise and lower their power output to smooth variations in demand and renewable generation. They can also produce green hydrogen, a clean burning fuel.

The French nuclear fleet once raised its output 50% in one day.

Get the facts about nuclear right here.